Rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena sings Elvis songs as he tours Graceland, his idol's home
Edison Pena walks from the front door of Graceland, Elvis Presley's home, after receiving a tour on Friday, Jan. 7, 2011, in Memphis, Tenn. Pena is one of 33 miners who were trapped for 69 days in a collapsed mine in Chile. Pena, an Elvis fan who led other miners in Elvis songs to help pass the time while waiting to be rescued, was invited to tour Graceland by Elvis Presley Enterprises. (AP Photo/Mark Humphrey) (Mark Humphrey, AP /January 7, 2011)
Game de dança de Michael Jackson vende 2 milhões de cópias
'Michael Jackson: The Experience' foi lançado para Wii, DS e PSP.
Versões de Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3 chegam em abril.
A Ubisoft anunciou nesta quinta-feira (6) que seu game de dança "Michael Jackson: The Experience" vendeu 2 milhões de unidades em todo o mundo. O número é a soma das cópias vendidas para Wii, Nintendo DS e PSP na América do Norte, América do Sul, Europa, Oriente Médio e Ásia, de acordo com estimativas internas.
Lançado mundialmente no final de novembro de 2010, o game permite que os jogadores dancem músicas do astro do pop, imitando seus passos clássicos. "'Michael Jackson: The Experience' é um sucesso no mundo todo e oferece aos fãs o jogo que sempre esperaram”, afirma Yves Guillemot, executivo chefe da Ubisoft. “Nossa equipe trabalhou com muito para construir uma experiência que recria o mundo mágico dos vídeos e apresentações de Michael Jackson. Estamos ansiosos para lançar o game para Kinect e Move”.
As versões para os acessórios que captam os movimentos dos jogadores no Xbox 360 e PlayStation 3 chegarão às lojas em abril. No Kinect e no Move, os fãs marcarão pontos tanto por dançar quanto por cantar, tendo assim uma experiência completa. De novidade para os dois consoles estão as músicas “Blood on the Dance Floor” e “I Just Can’t Stop Loving You”, além de outras que ainda serão reveladas.
Michael Jackson The Experience Coming to Kinect and PS3 Move
SAN FRANCISCO – January 6, 2011 – Ubisoft announced today that Michael Jackson The Experience is a global holiday hit as it has sold through two million units for the Wii™ system from Nintendo, the Nintendo DS™ and the Sony PlayStation® Portable in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia, according to internal estimates. The latest sales figures don’t include Japan, which has one of the largest and most passionate concentrations of Michael Jackson fans anywhere. The game is slated to come out in Japan later this year.
Launched November 23, 2010 in North America, Michael Jackson The Experience allows players to experience the magic of the King of Pop by performing dance steps that were inspired by the choreography of Michael Jackson in environments that were drawn from his world and all while listening to and singing along with the music that continues to excite and move people today.
Mike works on a boat in Acapulco. When the bratty daughter of the boat owner gets him fired, Mike must find new work. Little boy Rauol helps him get a job as a lifeguard and singer at a local hotel. Clashes abound when Mike runs into the rival lifeguard, who is the champion diver of Mexico. He is angry at Mike for taking some of his hours, and stealing his woman. by
Happy Birthday Elvis! Top Ten Television Performances
(Photo: Courtesy of JAT Publishing, Elvis Presley from “Aloha from Hawaii via Satellite,” Jan. 14, 1973)
Today (Jan. 8), Elvis Presley would have turned 76. In celebration of the anniversary of his birthday, Elvis historian and author Joseph Tunzi has compiled a list of what he considers to be the King’s top ten television vocal performances.
As the world celebrates the King of Rock 'n' Roll on his birthday, Memphis and Shelby County officials have also proclaimed January 8 to be Elvis Presley Day.
Rescued Chilean miner (and avid Elvis fan) goes to Graceland
By Ed Payne, CNN
(CNN) -- The Chilean miner who led Elvis sing-alongs for his colleagues while trapped underground for 69 days visited Graceland on Friday.
Edison Pena was a special guest during Elvis Presley's annual birthday celebration in Memphis, Tennessee, on Friday. Elvis would have been 76 this weekend.
"I can't describe it," Pena said through an interpreter. "It's something that makes an impact on me, visually. And being able to see it myself, is like, I feel in the clouds."
I wanted to give you all a great big THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for all that you did for my mother. Not only when she was ill, but all the support you gave her during the years of touring, as well as, listening and purchasing her music. Many of you followed her closely and she loved you for that.
My mother was a wonderful lady. My life with her will never be forgotten. I have watched my mom from day one of her time with Elvis and the people from Graceland, showing many people what a great entertainer should project. My mom, although had friends by her side all the way to the end, always understood our special relationship. I will always love and respect my mother for who she is and what she became. Her grandson had the opportunity to sit with his Grandmother long before she became too ill and shared with her his aspirations to follow her entertainment footsteps.
Thank you all for the respect while the family was grieving and we appreciate your well wishes and condolences. I have included the memorial information below and would love to hear from you or see you there.
For people who cannot make it to the memorial, we will be taking all emails and posting them at the memorial for people to read. We may even read a few there.
Martin Smith
Myrna's Memorial:
First Christian Church of North Hollywood 4390 Colfax Ave. North Hollywood, CA 91604 818-763-8218 (please send flowers directly to the church)
Please RSVP at
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00PM Date: 1/29/2010
Refreshment will follow.
We appreciate the fans that had done so much for Myrna and a special thank you to Carole Drexler who has been a valuable friend of the family.
76 ANOS DE UM MITO INSUPERÁVEL Matéria publicada no dia 08 de janeiro de 2011
Se estivesse "vivo", Elvis estaria completando 76 anos neste 8 de janeiro de 2011. Milhões de fãs estarão lembrando a data de várias maneiras. Alguns convidam os amigos para lembrar a data com bolo e "parabéns a você"! É como se Elvis fosse um membro da família, que esteve ao lado nos momentos bons e ruins. Se analisarmos que os fãs escutam Elvis quando estão tristes ou felizes, a frase anterior é a mais pura verdade. Através de Elvis muitos fãs fizeram amigos ao redor do mundo, sendo que alguns se tornaram parte da família! Elvis personificou como o 1º. ídolo de um "movimento jovem" que foi o Rock and Roll. Ele mostrou que era possível investir na música para jovens e iniciou uma gigantesca indústria da música!
Next Saturday, January 8th, the portuguese newspaper "Expresso" will give away 2011 calendars. We can see Elvis in January.
Elvis Birthday Celebrations
On Australian TV
While keen Australian fans will have travelled to Parkes, the rest of us can sit back and celebrate Elvis’ Birthday with a Pepsi and some good TV, most however on subscriber TV. FOX Classics.
G.I. Blues - Fri 7 Jan, 8:30 pm, Sat 8 Jan, 12:00 pm.
Girls! Girls! Girls! - Fri 7 Jan, 10:15 pm, Sat 8 Jan, 1:45 pm
Blue Hawaii - Sat 8 Jan, 12:00am & 3:20 pm. TURNER Classic Movies
Elvis On Tour Sat 8 Jan, 12:30 pm & 8:30 pm
Viva Las Vegas Sat 8 Jan, 2:10 pm & 10:10 pm GEM (Free TV)
Speedway - - Fri 7 Jan, 12:00 pm, Channel E!
The Last Days Of Elvis THS Sat 8 Jan, 6:00 am. MOVIE Greats
The Last of the High Kings – Sat 8 Jan, 12:05 am. Try something different; A coming of age drama about an idealistic 17 year old rock’n’roll fan. Set in Dublin 1977 where most teenagers are still in shock at the death of Elvis. Features Jared Leto, Christina Ricci.
And proving that ELVIS is everywhere, even the thriller ‘Chill Factor’ on Showtime Action Sat 8 Jan, 6:25 am involves a chase for the lethally destructive substance called "Elvis"! NOTE that most programmes are repeated so check TV guide for complete details.
Birthday Celebration 2011 This is the chilean miner that wanted to visit Graceland