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quarta-feira, 30 de junho de 2010

Welcome To The Jungle

Venus Productions will soon release a new CD, carrying you back in time, right into Elvis' den, known to everyone as the Jungle Room. Welcome To The Jungle - Solitaire is a compilation of released and unreleased tracks recorded in February 1976. '' There was a man, a lonely man....'' is certainly a line the rock singer had on his mind during those early February winter nights behind Graceland's walls, and he felt Neil Sedaka's song could work very well for him. On this CD you can hear the progress from the very first take through the master take.
The following night Elvis seemed to enjoy himself while recording what would become the title of his very last album. The song Moody Blue had a very modern sound for early 1976, very disco-like and it had a fair amount of air play all over the USA in late 1976 and early 1977. Elvis is clearly having fun recording this number, yet he ignored to include it into his live appearances, excepted for a brief attempt on February 20, 1977 and finally had a go at it the next night for his first and only performance .
The excellent sound quality will bring you right into the action that happened in the jungle room when those songs were being recorded. The CD will be presented to you in a standard jewel case, completed with a beautiful 16 page booklet.
This is the follow-up to Christmas Today

Track list

1- Solitaire (Take 1) 2:28 ; 2- Solitaire (Take 2) 2:06 ; 3- Solitaire (Take 3) 4:47 ; 4- Solitaire (Takes 6-7) 5:21 ; 5- Solitaire (Take 8) 4:39 ; 6- Solitaire (Takes 9-10) 0:58 ; 7- Solitaire (Undubbed master) 4:37 ; 8- Solitaire (Different mix) 4:43 ; 9- Solitaire (Master) 4:43 ; 10- Moody Blue (Take 3) 3:46 ; 11- Moody Blue (Take 4) 3:30 ; 12- Moody Blue (Take 5) 4:01 ; 13- Moody Blue (Take 6) 4:12 ; 14- Moody Blue (Take 7) 1:33 ; 15- Moody Blue (Takes 8-9) 0:58 ; 16- Moody Blue (Undubbed master) 3:57 ; 17- Moody Blue (Master) 2:54


"Elvis on Tour" Coming to Select Theaters on July 29th

The Original Entourage: Elvis Presley's 'Memphis Mafia'

book.jpgAs the HBO series Entourage begins its seventh season, we find out what goes on inside a real-life entourage with Jerry Schilling, a member of Elvis Presley's famed "Memphis Mafia." Like the fictional entourage, Elvis' inner circle of homeboys lived with "The King" and accompanied him everywhere as he negotiated life in the entertainment business. Schilling describes the psychology and social structure of this particular ecosystem and how it's even more necessary to a big star than good lighting.

As the HBO series Entourage begins its seventh season, we find out what goes on inside a real-life entourage with Jerry Schilling, a member of Elvis Presley's famed "Memphis Mafia." Like the fictional entourage, Elvis' inner circle of homeboys lived with "The King" and accompanied him everywhere as he negotiated life in the entertainment business. Schilling describes the psychology and social structure of this particular ecosystem and how it's even more necessary to a big star than good lighting.


segunda-feira, 28 de junho de 2010

Italian Magazine Series

The same series that was released in Spain last year, will be released in Italy now. The magazine "Sorrisi e Canzoni TV" (by Mondadori) will release it from next week on. The first issue From Elvis In Memphis is 4.99 Euros; the next 9.99 Euros. Italians can book and get the complete collection.


200 Cadillacs

Elvis gave away homes, horses, rings and … 200 cadillacs, trying to help people out or just saying “thank you” his way.


The main color in this design is pink, probably a reference to the classic pink Cadillac most people associate with Elvis. The menu of the DVD is simple, you can select the different chapters, the disc has no extra features.


The documentary starts of with Linda Thompson and a few of the Memphis Mafia members talking about Elvis telling their relation with him. New in this documentary are appearances by Myrna Smith from the Sweet Inspirations and Kang Rhee and Gordon Stoker which we do not see that often in an Elvis related documentary. Of course some happy Cadillac salesmen are interviewed too.

The story line deals with Elvis habit of giving things away, with the Cadillacs as the most well known example. Giving away cars was a habit Elvis got into very early in his career, besides cars for his parents from his first royalty-checks he also gave Mr. Lansky a German Messerschmitt three-wheel car.
Other recipients were parents (his own, his girlfriend’s and parents from his entourage), the girlfriends themselves, members of his entourage and his band, friends, nurses, policemen and some times strangers on the street. Besides cars he gave away a lot more; money, jewelry, watches, pets (dogs and horses), clothing, houses and motors. The counter stands around 200 cars.

Elvis derived more pleasure from giving than taking. Of course this was taken advantage of by some people, but somehow Elvis did not seem to mind and enjoyed the reaction from people who (unexpectedly) got a present from him. In most of the cases the gifts changed the lives of total strangers (people asking for their autograph as it is for some the closest thing to get to Elvis) or helped them out in difficult times. Besides the cars that gained a lot of publicity sometimes we must not forget that most of Elvis charitable donations were done silently.

In between the stories we get a lot of good images of Elvis, some very original images from the early fifties and Elvis in his cars and Elvis in the seventies shopping at night (with a flashlight) buying Myrna a baby blue El Dorado. A lot of the candid images come from Sandi Miller and were published before in the BTI-book. The interviewees also showed a lot of personal images, probably shown for the first time here.

The movie comes with its own soundtrack, songs especially written for the documentary and matching the theme of the story. Each chapter has its own song.


One of the songs on the soundtrack says it well: “How about some credit where the credit is due”; not only the “legendary” story of Elvis just giving away cars, but the reason behind it, trying to help people out or just saying “thank you” his way, not only giving material things, but most of all giving help, friendship and love. This DVD is one of the best documentaries released lately, putting the record straight on the man and the Cadillac myth.


Exclusive Viva ELVIS Celeb Visit Photos

There have been quite a few celebrity visits recently at Viva ELVIS™ by Cirque du Soleil®. You can see photos of all celebrity appearances at Viva ELVIS on If you are an Insider, you can log into the members-only website at to see some exclusive BONUS photos of celebrity visits, including Mario Lopez, Juliette Lewis and Brandon Routh.

Read more

Source: elvis insiders

Michael Jackson não morreu. Leia e comprove

Um ano depois. Tudo certo, nada resolvido

Não preciso falar que faz um ano que o mundo parou e olhou para as TV, sites, ouviu rádios e afins para buscar mais informações sobre a “morte” de Michael Jackson. Sim, “morte”. Todo fã que se preze faz o sinal entre aspas quando pronuncia a palavra, pois para nós, falta explicar muita coisa.
Se partirmos do princípio que Elvis não morreu, não podemos esquecer que o Rei do Pop foi, por um breve tempo, genro do Rei do Rock. E as teorias apenas começam a partir daí. Em primeiro lugar, temos as fotos dos ensaios, os vídeos e os depoimentos dos dançarinos, músicos e amigos. Ele estava animado, feliz, dançava e cantava com a mesma vitalidade e colocava os dançarinos no chinelo. A suposta “autópsia” encontrou, além de várias marcas de agulha, um corpo de um homem muito forte e em bom estado... Jornalistas, pesquisadores e fofoqueiros de plantão juram que a magreza quase subsaariana e um câncer de pele faziam com que MJ mal pudesse se mover, comer ou andar.

Em 1998, MJ lançou o curta-metragem Ghosts, no qual ele faz o papel do prefeito de uma cidade e a si próprio. O trabalho de maquiagem é impecável, e se não fosse pelos olhos negros penetrantes e pelo making off ao final, ninguém jamais saberia que o branquelo gordinho é, na verdade, Michael. Outro fato conhecido dos fãs e que alimenta ainda mais os rumores é que, em meados dos anos 80, seus assessores eram presentados com o livro de P.T. Barnum, que Michael dizia ser sua bíblia. Barnum é considerado o criador do circo moderno e ficou famoso por apresentar um grande elefante em seus espetáculos. Após a morte do elefante, o animal fora empalhado e apresentado como se nada tivesse acontecido. Até preso chegou a ser, de tanto enganar pessoas, apelidado de “pai das falcatruas” e “mestre dos disfarces”. Concidência ou não, Barnum e seu elefante estão na capa do álbum “Dangerous”. 
Caso você esteja curioso, procure uma versão em LP. Sim, LP, pois o CD é pequeno e a capa é mais escura. Em meio a tanto símbolos (que não vale a pena discorrer aqui, pois são muitos – busque no Google algo como “símbolos capa dangerous”), vemos claramente os números 7, 7 e 9. O “funeral” ocorreu em 7 de julho de 2009... Na mesma época, ele afirmou que gostaria de morrer aos 50 anos (o que “aconteceu”) e compôs a canção 'Morphine', que só foi lançada anos depois. A música descreve perfeitamente uma morte como a dele (parada cardíaca por uso de drogas para dormir).

E as teorias não param por ai. Dave Dave é um amigo de Michael que ajuda a dar pano para manga. Ambos se conheceram em um hospital para queimados em meados dos anos 80. O pequeno Dave havia tido 80% de seu corpo queimado pelo próprio pai. O Myspace de Dave mostra-o com olhos azuis saltados, uma voz aparentemente afetada pelo incêndio (com algum problema na traqueia) e um jeito quase “bruto”. Em entrevista para Larry King, em setembro de 2009, Dave Dave apareceu com um chapéu convenientemente colocado sobre o rosto, olhos negros cheios de trejeitos, voz doce, usando palavras como “legado”, “tornar-me minha própria pessoa”, lábios finos... Não, não é mera coincidência. Pode ser Michael Jackson sem sua maquiagem habitual, apenas escondendo partes do vitiligo.
Aliás, Dave Dave jamais negou ter deixado Michael usá-lo como “disfarce”. Ele apenas afirma “não comentar o assunto”. Quando Michael fora sepultado, Dave estava lá, sentado em uma cadeira colocada no meio da passagem, ao lado da fileira de cadeiras originalmente montada. Sabe ao lado de quem ele estava? Elizabeth Taylor... 

Um vídeo no Youtube postado pelo usuário c33stylisticz mostra uma detalhada análise disso tudo, incluindo provas de que o sósia francês Christopher Gaspar teria sido a estrela de "This Is It" (se você assistiu ao filme e achou o “esquecimento” e o “excesso de uso dos braços” estranhos em algumas coreografias, a resposta pode estar aí). Isso sem falar na ausência do furo no queixo em algumas fotos e das orelhas pontiagudíssimas.
Falando do velório, cuja data estava “prevista” na capa do "Dangerous", como dito acima... Alguém se lembra de ter visto fotos de cavalos e elefantes em frente ao Staples Center na data? Pois é, dia 8 de julho (seguinte ao velório) haveria um circo no mesmo local: o Ringling Bros and Barnum & Bailey Circus... Barnum... Barnum... P.T. Barnum? Ele mesmo, cuja biografia era a bíblia de Michael e criador do circo, que sobrevive desde 1867.
O mais interessante nisso tudo é como as coisas se conectam: lembram do início do post? O curta "Ghosts", no qual Michael faz o papel dele próprio e maquia-se como um velhinho branco, gorducho e descrente? Nele, Michael é perseguido por pessoas que não o compreendem, dança com mortos vivos (de novo), forja a própria morte e volta de forma triunfante. Ah! Lembram da citação à música 'Morphine'? Ela está no mesmo álbum que Ghosts (Blood on The Dance Floor, 1997). Ainda falando sobre forjar a morte, em "This Is It", a canção 'Smooth Criminal' é introduzida por um pequeno vídeo do filme "Gilda", com inserção digital de Michael na cena em que Rita Hayworth canta 'Put The Blame On Mame'. No filme, de 1946, o marido de Gilda forja a própria morte.

Pode ser coincidência. Pode não ser nada disso. Mas a verdade é que ninguém viu corpo algum e tudo (desde as contradições nos relatos de pessoas que estiveram com o astro até um relatório de legista que traz marcas de cirurgias que Michael jamais fez) conspira para ser mais uma das excentricidades do Rei do Pop. Só nos resta esperar pelo álbum póstumo e procurar pistas. Tomara que Michael esteja em Neverland, ou na Groenlândia, fumando charutos e compondo com o sogrão Elvis.
PS: Enquanto escrevia o texto, a janelinha do MSN me avisa que acabo de receber um e-mail de 
*Texto: Rafael Gonçalves


Listen live The Presley Radio - here

domingo, 27 de junho de 2010


"Oi pessoal!
Depois de muitos pedidos, uma justa homenagem ao Rei do Pop.
Foram três coreografias, Beat It, Billy Jean e Thriller. E claro que eu caprichei no figurino, vocês vão ver!"

Fonte: r7/blog/rodrigofaro

sábado, 26 de junho de 2010

Morro Santa Marta, no Rio, ganha
estátua de Michael Jackson

Cantor gravou clipe na comunidade em 1993
Foto: Carlo Wrede/Agência Estado - Cartunista e fãs de Michael Jackson posam para foto ao lado da estátua)

Estátua de Michael Jackson esculpida pelo cartunista Ique foi inaugurada no mirante no morro Santa Marta, em Botafogo, zona sul do Rio de Janeiro, neste sábado (26).

Na comunidade, o cantor gravou parte de um clipe em 1993 para a música “They don't care about us”. Na última sexta-feira (25) completou um ano da morte do cantor.

Michael Jackson MTV Black Ribbon


sexta-feira, 25 de junho de 2010

Michael Jackson Lives Forever

One Michael Jackson... One Million Tributes


Michael Jackson: Thriller From Head To Toe


Celebrating Michael Jackson's Life on the Anniversary of His Death

NEW YORK (CBS) This Friday, June 25, marks a year since the death of Michael Jackson and fans around the world are joining his family in celebrating his legacy. Even a year later, fans say, the feeling of loss and pain remains.
FULL COVERAGE: Michael Jackson's DeathPICTURES: Michael Jackson: 1958-2009PICTURES: Michael Jackson: A Final Farewell
According to People magazine, the Jackson Family Foundation will present "Forever Michael", a red-carpet event featuring performances paying tribute to the singer and his legacy, on June 26 at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills. 
Voice Plate Productions, which is producing the event, said, "The vision is to bring together Michael Jackson family members, celebrities, fans, supporters and the community to celebrate and honor his legacy."
Meanwhile, fans from all the over the world are preparing celebrations on their own. A Facebook group named One Million Michael Jackson Fans Pledged to Light a Candle On June 25, 2010 currently holds 14,580 members.  
Poet Mary Angelou is inviting fans to join a pointillism portrait put together by artist David Ilan. Ilan stated that he hopes one million people will each ask through a Web site to be represented by one of the free dots. Right now, the portrait has 250,000 dots, representing fans in 180 countries. Pointillism is an art technique in which small dots are used to form an image; Ilan placed a dot representing Angelou in the heart area of the portrait.
According to MTV and the Los Angeles Times, fans will also have limited access to Forest Lawn cemetery in Glendale, Calif. But the limitations are far too many. Fans will not be allowed to release doves, balloons, or perform Jackson songs or dance routines. quoted Sgt. Tom Lorenz as saying the Glendale Police Department has its own list: no camping out the night before, no parking around Forest Lawn 24 hours prior, and no street vendor sales of anything including MJ merchandise. Fans will not be granted entrance into the Great Mausoleum, where the singer's body was interred in September.
While these events are happening, plans to open a museum in Michael Jackson's hometown of Gary, Ind., have become a reality. Michael's father, Joe Jackson, and Gary Mayor Rudy Clay said work on the Jackson Family Museum and Hotel and the Michael Jackson Performing Arts and Cultural Center and Theaters might begin in 2011. These projects have been planned since 2003, when the city of Gary donated 300 acres of land for the project. Since Jackson's death, the project has become a priority for the city, which could draw millions of visitors with the attraction. 

As new Jackson 5 exhibit debuts, Motown museum talks expansion

In the days after Michael Jackson's abrupt death one year ago this week, fans directed much of their attention -- and emotion -- to Detroit's Motown Historical Museum.
The footage was replayed around the world: Fans gathered in vigil outside the familiar West Grand Boulevard house, where they placed mementos, stuffed animals and letters in Jackson's name.
Inspired by that outpouring of love for the fallen star, museum officials have reciprocated with a commemoration of their own. On Friday -- the anniversary of Jackson's death at age 50 -- they'll debut an exhibit of Jackson 5 memorabilia from the group's Motown career.
The exhibit, which will run through October, occupies a large corner on the museum's second floor, where one of Jackson's famed white gloves has long sat in an alarm-secured glass display. It's now joined by several groovy Jacksons costumes, a host of gold and platinum records, magazine covers, rare photos and other souvenirs.
The exhibit is more than just an homage to the Jacksons, whose bevy of Motown hits -- chart-toppers such as "ABC," "I Want You Back" and "I'll Be There" -- preceded Michael Jackson's skyscraping solo career. It also marks a renewed vigor for the museum itself, which this year celebrates its 25th birthday and is embarking on what officials describe as a bold new chapter.
Topping the list: plans for a massive expansion at the West Grand site, just west of Henry Ford Hospital, which has launched its own major development project along the boulevard.
Officials with the nonprofit museum have talked for several years about augmenting their exhibit area, now limited to the cozy confines of the three-level house that once served as the label's headquarters.
But the pace is picking up. With financial brokering, city hall meetings and architectural mockups quietly coming together behind the scenes, museum chief executive officer Audley Smith says an expansion announcement will be made by year's end.
"There's a compelling need for expansion. Clearly the museum needs additional space to tell the stories that embody the legacy of Motown Records," says Smith. "We're looking very seriously at how we can be part of the redevelopment of the Midtown area. We believe the timing is right."

quinta-feira, 24 de junho de 2010

Michael Jackson on Top of World: Summer of 1984

Eight Grammy Awards, the 'Thriller' Video, the Biggest Album Ever -- and Trouble Ahead

As The Jacksons' "Victory" tour kicked off in Kansas City in June 1984, Michael Jackson was the hottest celebrity on the planet. He had spent the previous 15 months atop a peak of success, fame and public admiration that no other entertainer has reached since.
He set fashion and style trends. He kicked it with President Ronald Reagan, who said as Jackson laughed: "Michael, please give some TLC to the PYTs. I know that sounds a little Off The Wall, but you know what I mean."
The Grammy Awards that year were a wash. Jackson won a record eight awards, including Record of the Year for "Beat It" and Album of the Year for "Thriller."

Elvis Is Back @ Tupelo McDonald's

When the McDonald's near Crosstown is relocated, it will take a piece of history with it. It's new spot will be at the corner of South Gloster Street and President Avenue, a few blocks south of its current location. A groundbreaking ceremony was held Tuesday at the site. And when the new restaurant opens in mid-September, the restaurant will have a throwback look, with a 1950s design with huge golden arches on the building facade. It also will be decorated with Elvis memorabilia.

"Elvis is coming with us," said Rob Hudson, president of Hudson Management and owner/operator of the McDonald's restaurants in Tupelo, New Albany and Saltillo. "This has been a dream of ours." McDonald's opened its first Tupelo location in 1973 at the soon-to-be closed site next to Wendy's. Hudson's father, Bob, bought the restaurant in 1983. "We always thought this 1950s design, together with the Tupelo and the Elvis Presley birthplace, was a great link, but we never had the opportunity until now," Hudson said. The new 4,000-square-foot restaurant will add 25 to 30 employees, bringing the head count to about 100.

While the restaurant has a throwback look, the interior will have interactive stations for the kids - but no playground. It also will have a double drive-through. An entrance will be built on South Gloster Street to complement entrances on President Avenue and help with traffic flow. Once the new restaurant opens, the old one will close. McDonald's Corp. owns the land and the store, and will look to sell or lease it, Hudson said.

Ward 3 Councilman Jim Newell, who has helped kickstart interest and participation in the South Gloster Business District association, said he couldn't be happier with the new restaurant. "I'm excited - this is huge for South Gloster," he said. "I think this is the catalyst to get more started." Hudson said he looked at other spots, but could find no better area to relocate. "This is still a great, growing, vital part of town".


Michael Jackson anima academias e pistas de dança um ano após morte

Quem nunca arriscou um Moonwalk na sala de casa ou tentou acertar os passos de “Thriller” na balada ao lado dos amigos? Imitar as famosas coreografias elaboradas por Michael Jackson há quase três décadas sempre foi uma brincadeira entre adultos e crianças. Hoje, um ano após sua morte, virou febre em cursos de dança e até aliado na hora de perder calorias na ginástica.


LaToya Jackson visita chimpanzé de Michael depois de 20 anos

LaToya Jackson revê o chimpanzé Bubbles para documentário

Depois de 20 anos, a cantora LaToya Jackson reviu o amigo mais próximo de seu irmão, o astro pop Michael Jackson. O reencontro entre ela e o chimpanzé Bubbles aconteceu na Flórida, para as filmagens do documentário Michael Jackson & Bubbles: The Untold Story.
O animal de 27 anos vive desde 2004 no Center for Great Apes. Antes, ele morou com Michael desde filhote, onde vivia como um ser humano.O documentário, que conta a relação entre o cantor e o chimpanzé, foi exibido nesta quarta-feira (23), no Animal Planet.
No vídeo, LaToya diz sentir muitas saudades de Bubbles. Ela fala que quer beijá-lo e abraçá-lo, mas que não pode porque ele é muito grande. Logo em seguida, a cantora começa a chorar de emoção.


Michael Jackson ganha nova estátua de cera em Nova York

Estátua faz parte de exposição de aniversário do primeiro ano de morte do cantor.

                                           Nova estátua de cera de Michael Jackson ganha últimos retoques

Michael Jackson ganhou uma nova estátua de cera no museu Madame Toussaud em Nova York nesta quarta-feira, 23. A estátua faz parte de uma exposição especial do primeiro aniversário de morte do cantor, que faleceu em 25 de junho de 2009 depois de sofrer uma parada cardíaca.


Casa de leilões francesa negociará 
12 fotos inéditas de Michael Jackson

Retratos foram feitos por fotógrafo de 23 anos a pedidos do astro pop.
Uma das fotografias mostra Jackson triste e anel azul ao redor dos olhos.

Uma casa de leilões de Paris divulgou nesta quarta-feira (23) que planeja leiloar 12 retratos inéditos de Michael Jackson. A venda deverá ocorrer em dezembro.
Os retratos foram clicados pelo fotógrafo francês Arno Barni, em 1999. Um deles, chamado "Michael Jackson's blue eye" mostra o Rei do Pop com expressão melancólica e um anel azul em torno de um de seus olhos.
Jackson contatou Barni, 23 à época, após ver uma exposição de seus trabalhos em um jornal.
Frederic Chambre, da casa de leilões, disse que a expectativa é que cada fotografia tenha lance inicial de US$ 1.228.

Segundo Chambre, as imagens não podem ser divulgadas devido a restrições de direitos autorais.
